Implementation of section I of the annex to General Assembly resolution 32/197 on the restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system.
- Author: UN General Assembly (34th sess. : 1979-1980)
- Document source:
19 December 1979
212. Implementation of section I of the annex to General Assembly resolution 32/197 on the restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system
1. Decides to maintain on the agenda of its Main Committees during its regular sessions the item entitled "Report of the Economic and Social Council" but, in the light of the decision contained in paragraph 5 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1979/41, to consider the chapters of the report of the Council under the relevant items of its agenda;
2. Recommends to the Secretary-General that the items of the agenda which are normally allocated for consideration to the Second Committee should in future be drawn up within the indicative framework outlined in the annex to the present resolution;
3. Recommends also that the Second Committee should organize its programme of work and the substantive debates on the agenda items allocated to it taking into account the regrouping and reorganization of items outlined in the above-mentioned annex;
4. Decides that all introductory statements to be made in the Second Committee on behalf of the organs, organizations and bodies of the United Nations system should normally be made during the first two weeks of the substantive work of the Committee, in order to facilitate maximum utilization of the remaining time in the manner most convenient for Member States;
5. Decides that the Second Committee, in setting deadlines for submission of proposals, should allow for the possibility of addressing discussions on various items to proposals submitted under those items, as envisaged in paragraph 3 (c) of the annex to General Assembly resolution 32/197;
6. Decides to review at its thirty-fifth session, with a view to minimizing delays in the submission of documentation in all the working languages, the requirements in respect of document symbols, covers and related procedures in respect of reports for different intergovernmental bodies of the United Nations, and requests the Secretary-General to submit recommendations in that regard;
7. Also decides to consider at its thirty-fifth session the possibility or desirability of examining some of the items of its agenda allocated to the Second Committee on a biennial basis, including the possibility of assigning some items to the Economic and Social Council for consideration and final decision;
8. Further decides to review at its thirty-fifth session, in the light of experience, the arrangements outlined in paragraphs 2 to 4 above.
109th plenary meeting19 December 1979
Indicative reorganization of agenda items to be allocated to the Second Committee[1]
1. Development and international economic co-operation:(a) International development strategy;
(b) Round of global negotiations relating to international economic co-operation for development;
(c) Trade and development;
(d) Industrialization;
(e) Science and technology for development;
(f) Natural resources;
(g) Food and agriculture;
(h) Transfer of real resources to developing countries;
(i) Financial, monetary and related matters;
(j) Economic and technical co-operation among developing countries;
(k) Restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system;
(l) Environment;
(m) Human settlements;
(n) Effective mobilization and integration of women in development.
2. Report of the Economic and Social Council.
3. Operational activities for development:
(a) United Nations Development Programme;
(b) United Nations Capital Development Fund;
(c) United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration;
(d) United Nations Fund for Population Activities;
(e) United Nations Volunteers programme;
(f) United Nations Special Fund for Land-locked Developing Countries;
(g) United Nations Special Fund;
(h) United Nations Children's Fund;
(i) World Food Programme;
(j) Technical co-operation activities undertaken by the Secretary-General.
4. Training and research:
(a) United Nations Institute for Training and Research;
(b) United Nations University;
(c) University for Peace;
(d) Unified approach to development analysis and planning; (e) Examination of long-term trends in economic development.
5. Special economic and disaster relief assistance.
6. Other matters brought to the attention of the General Assembly.
[1] The items listed in this annex are based on the agenda of the thirty-fourth session; future changes within the broad framework outlined are not excluded.
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