The right of amparo, habeas corpus or other legal remedies to the same effect.
- Author: UN General Assembly (34th sess. : 1979-1980)
- Document source:
17 December 1979
178. The right of amparo, habeas cotpus or other legal remedies to the same effect
1. Expresses its conviction that the application within the legal system of States of amparo, habeas corpus or other legal remedies to the same effect is of fundamental importance for:
(a) Protecting persons against arbitrary arrest and unlawful detention;
(b) Effecting the release of persons who are detained by reason of their political opinions or convictions, including in pursuance of trade union activities;
(c) Clarifying the whereabouts and fate of missing and disappeared persons;
2. Considers that the use of those remedies may also forestall opportunities for persons exercising power over detainees to engage in torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
3. Calls upon all Governments to guarantee to persons within their jurisdiction the full enjoyment of the right of amparo, habeas corpus or other legal remedies to the same effect, as may be applicable in their legal system;
4. Decides that, in order to extend the global understanding and larger applications of institutions such as amparo, habeas corpus or other legal remedies to the same effect, an international seminar on the matter would be timely and useful;
5. Decides further to consider this question again at its thirty-fifth session.
106th plenary meeting17 December 1979
[1] Resolution 217 A (III). [2] Resolution 3452 (Y-XX), annex. [3] Resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex. [4] The report of the seminar was issued as document ST/TAO/HR/ 12.
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