Report of the Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of the Non-Use of Force in International Relations.
- Author: UN General Assembly (33rd sess. : 1978-1979)
- Document source:
16 December 1978
96. Report of the Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Non-Use of Force in International Relation
1. Takes note of the report of the Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Non-Use of Force in International Relations;
2. Decides that the Special Committee shall continue its work with the goal of drafting, at the earliest possible date, a world treaty on the non-use of force in international relations as well as the peaceful settlement of disputes or such other recommendations as the Committee deems appropriate;
3. Invites the Governments which have not yet done so to communicate their comments or suggestions or to bring them up to date, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 31/9;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the Special Committee with the necessary facilities and services, including the preparation of summary records of its meetings;
5. Invites the Special Committee to submit a report on its work to the General Assembly at its thirty-fourth session;
6. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-fourth session the item entitled "Report of the Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Non-Use of Force in International Relations".
86th plenary meeting16 December 1978
[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-third Session, Supplement No. 41 (A/33/41 and Corr.1), annex. [2] Ibid, Supplement No. 41 (A/33/41 and Corr.1).
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