Pattern of Conference.
- Author: UN General Assembly (33rd sess. : 1978-1979)
- Document source:
14 December 1978
55. Pattern of conference
1. Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Committee on Conferences,[1]established by its resolution 3351 (XXIX) and retained by its resolution 32/72, and approves the recommendations contained therein;
2. Approves the revised calendar of conferences and meetings for 1979 set forth in annex I to volume II of the report of the Committee on Conferences;
3. Affirms that no more than one special conference should be convened at the same time;
1. Notes with satisfaction that the number of intersessional departures from the approved calendar has been reduced;
2. Reaffirms that, if and when intersessional departures are granted, the servicing should be financed from the approved appropriations for conference services;
3. Again calls upon all United Nations bodies to conclude their work within the time allotted to them and to review their work procedures to that end, in particular to adhere strictly to the guidelines for reducing the wastage resulting from cancellations of scheduled meetings;
4. Encourages closer co-operation between the Economic and Social Council and the Committee on Conferences to promote the efficient and economical conduct of the United Nations conference programme;
5. Requests United Nations bodies to review the length and cycle of their sessions with a view to exploring the possibilities of shortening them and of meeting on a biennial basis or less frequently.
84th plenary meeting14 December 1978
[1] Ofticial Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-third Session, Supplement No. 32 (A/33/32).
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