National experience in promoting the cooperative movement.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (33rd sess. : 1978-1979)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    14 December 1978

47. National experience in promoting the co-operative movement

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 2459 (XXIIII) of 20 December 1968, 3273 (XXIX) of 10 December 1974 and 31/37 of 30 November 1976, and Economic and Social Council resolution 1668 (LII) of 1 June 1972, Bearing in mind that the establishment and growth of co-operatives is one of the important instruments for the full economic, social and cultural development of all members of society, Recognizing the necessity of training and educational programmes at various levels for the growth, diversification and professionalization of the manage co-operatives,

1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on national experience in promoting the co-operative movement;[1]

2. Reiterates the necessity of an international exchange of experience as a contribution to the growth and diversification of the co-operative movement;

3. Stresses the role of co-operatives in the development of weaker sections of the community and in over-all social and economic advancement, particularly in developing countries;

4. Recognizes that co-operatives are an important means of increasing employment opportunities for women and integrating them, as active members of society, into the development process;

5. Stresses also the important social role of cooperatives in involving people at the grass-roots level in the planning and decision-making which affect their daily lives;

6. Invites Member States, relevant specialized agencies and other United Nations organs to pay special attention to the training and education aspects of the co-operative movement at the local, national and international levels;

7. Also invites Member States, relevant specialized agencies and other United Nations organs to submit follow-up reports on their experience in promoting the co-operative movement, referring especially to the participation of women in the co-operative movement and to the role of co-operatives in achieving over-all social and economic development;

8. Invites those Member States which have not already done so to submit reports on national experience in promoting the co-operative movement;

9. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-sixth session, through the Economic and Social Council, a follow-up report on national experience in promoting the co-operative movement, referring especially to the participation of women in the co-operative movement and to the role of co-operatives in achieving over-all social and economic development, based on data already available and on additional contributions from Member States and relevant specialized agencies;

10. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-sixth session the item entitled "National experience in achieving far-reaching social and economic changes for the purpose of social progress" and to consider under this item the follow-up report of the Secretary-General on national experience in promoting the co-operative movement.

84th plenary meeting
14 December 1978

[1] E/1978/15 and Corr.2.

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