Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
- Author: UN General Assembly (33rd sess. : 1978-1979)
- Document source:
29 November 1978
26. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
1. Commends the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and his staff for the efficient manner in which they continue to discharge their many responsibilities in assisting refugees and displaced persons and takes note with appreciation of the report of the High Commissioner, including the report of the Executive Committee of the High Commissionees Programme on its twenty-ninth session;1
2. Requests the High Commissioner to intensify his efforts to assist refugees and displaced persons of concern to his Office, especially with a view to providing urgent humanitarian assistance to the large and increasing numbers in need in Africa, Asia and Latin America;
3. Further requests the High Commissioner to continue to promote permanent and speedy solutions, in close co-operation with Governments, United Nations bodies and non-governmental organizations;
4. Commends Governments that are actively encouraging voluntary repatriation or return as a solution to the problems in their area and requests the High Commissioner to render all possible assistance in such situations in lending help in the rehabilitation of the returnees;
5. Urges Governments to continue to co-operate closely with the High Commissioner in efforts to achieve the self-sufficiency and, where possible, the integration of refugees in countries of asylum, and to accept for resettlement, on the widest possible basis, refugees from countries of first asylum;
6. Further urges Governments to continue to facilitate the work of the High Commissioner in the field of international protection by considering accessions to relevant instruments for the benefit of refugees, the effective implementation of these instruments and the scrupulous observance of humanitarian principles with respect to the granting of asylum and the non-refoulement of refugees;
7. Commends the increasing number of contributors to the High Commissioner's programmes and, emphasizing the need for a wider sharing of the financial burden, calls upon Governments to provide him with necessary funds to attain the objectives of his humanitarian programme.
63rd plenary meeting29 November 1978
[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-third session, Supplement No. 12 (A/33/12) and Supplement No. 12A (A/33/Add.1). [2] Ibid., Thirty-third Session, Third Committee, 43rd meeting, paras. 1-13; and ibid., Third Committee, Sessional Fascicle, corrigendum. [3] United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, No. 2545, p. 150. [4] Ibid., vol. 606, No 8791, p. 267.
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