Economic and social consequences of the armaments race and its extremely harmful effects on world peace and security.
- Author: UN General Assembly (32nd sess. : 1977)
- Document source:
12 December 1977
75. Economic and social consequences of the armaments race and its extremely harmful effects on world peace and security
1. Welcomes with satisfaction the updated report of the Secretary-General entitled Economic and Social Consequences of the Arms Race and of Military Expenditures[2] and expresses the hope that it will help to focus future disarmament negotiations on nuclear disarmament and on the goal of general and complete disarmament under effective international control;
2. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General and to the consultant experts as well as to the Governments and international organizations that have rendered assistance in the updating of the report;
3. Decides to transmit the report to the General Assembly at its special session devoted to disarmament, to be held in New York between 23 May and 28 June 1978;
4. Recommends that the conclusions of the updated report on the economic and social consequences of the arms race and of military expenditures should be taken into account in future disarmament negotiations;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to arrange for the reproduction of the report as a United Nations publications and to give it the widest possible publicity in as many languages as is considered desirable a practicable;
6. Recommends to all Governments the widest possible distribution of the report, including its translation into the respective national languages;
7. Invites the specialized agencies as well as intergovernmental, national and non-governmental organizations to use their facilities to make the report widely known;
8. Reaffirms its decision to keep the item entitled "Economic and social consequences of the armaments race and its extremely harmful effects on world peace and security" under constant review and decides to include it in the provisional agenda of its thirty-fifth session.
100th plenary meeting12 December 1977
[1] A/8469/Rev.1 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.72.IX.16). [2] A/32/Rev.1 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.78.IX.1).
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