Reduction of military budgets.
- Author: UN General Assembly (32nd sess. : 1977)
- Document source:
12 December 1977
85. Reduction of military budgets
1. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General and to the Group of Budgetary Experts which assisted in the preparation of the report;2
2. Requests the Secretary-General to ascertain those States which would be prepared to participate in a pilot test of the reporting instrument and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its special session devoted to disarmament;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to prepare a background report for the special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament and transmit it to all Member States not later than 1 April 1978, compiling the proposals and recommendations put forward by the groups of experts appointed by the Secretary-General and under Assembly resolutions 3463 (XXX) and 31/87, and containing information concerning the progress made in carrying out the task referred to in paragraph 2 above;
4. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-third session the item entitled "Reduction of military budgets".
100th plenary meeting12 December 1977
[1] A/31/Rev.1 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.I.6). [2] A/32/194 and Add.1.
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