Methods and ways likely to be most effective in preventing crime and improving the treatment of offenders.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (32nd sess. : 1977)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    8 December 1977

58. Methods and ways likely to be most effective in preventing crime and improving the treatment of offenders

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 3021 (XXVII) of 18 December 1972, in which it instructed the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control to submit a report on the methods and ways likely to be most effective in preventing crime and improving the treatment of offenders, including recommendations on the measures most appropriate in such areas as law enforcement, judicial procedures and correctional practices, Concerned about the prevailing trends of criminality in many countries of the world, which show the spread of emerging new forms of serious and organized crime,

1. Takes note of the report entitled "Methods and ways likely to be most effective in preventing crime pd improving the treatment of offenders", contained in the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its fourth session,[1] as a guideline for future United Nations activities directed towards the prevention and control of crime and delinquency and the treatment of offenders;

2. Invites Member States to make use of the report, as appropriate, in formulating national crime prevention policies and strategies;

3. Calls upon Member States, as well as international governmental organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and the specialized agencies, to collaborate fully in pursuance of the goals set out in the report;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to facilitate the collaboration referred to in paragraph 3 above;

5. Urges all Member States, as well as international governmental and non-governmental organizations, to support the United Nations Trust Fund for Social Defence and the international and regional institutes in crime prevention and control;

6. Recommends that the Secretary-General should draw on the report in formulating proposals for future medium-term plans in crime prevention and criminal justice.

98th plenary meeting
8 December 1977

[1] E/CN.5/536, annex IV.

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