Youth in the contemporary world.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (32nd sess. : 1977)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    16 December 1977

134. Youth in the contemporary world

The General Assembly, Recalling that since 1965 numerous resolutions on the situation, needs and aspirations of youth have been adopted by both the General Assembly[1] and the Economic and Social Council,[2] Recognizing the profound importance of the direct participation of youth in shaping the future of humanity, Convinced of the imperative need to harness the energies, enthusiasms and creative abilities of youth to the tasks of nation building, the economic, social and cultural advancement of peoples, the implementation of the new international economic order, the preservation of world peace and the promotion of international co-operation and understanding, Considering it necessary to disseminate among youth the ideals of peace, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, human solidarity and dedication to the objectives of progress and development, Convinced of the necessity of meeting the legitimate needs and aspirations of youth and ensuring their active participation in all fields of national life, Recognizing the necessity of consolidating the efforts of all States in carrying out specific programmes concerning youth, Noting the wide variety of proposals that have been made to the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council to improve channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations and to ensure the active participation of young people in all stages of development at the local, national and international levels, Believing that it is urgently desirable to consolidate the efforts of the United Nations concerning the situation, needs and aspirations of youth into specific, practical and effective means of bringing about such objectives, Affirming the importance of current and projected United Nations activities designed to increase opportunities for youth to be integrated into development activities and to assess the needs and aspirations of youth, including, inter alia, publications designed to disseminate information on programmes of youth participation in development, co-operative arrangements with institutions engaged in youth research, and the preparation of studies on youth organizations and the training of youth workers, Convinced that an international youth year could usefully serve to mobilize efforts at the local, national, regional and international levels in order to promote the best educational, professional and living conditions for young people to ensure their active participation in the over-all development of society and to encourage the preparation of new national and local policies and programmes in accordance with each country's experience,

1. Invites all States to make known their views concerning the proclamation of an international youth year and to send their proposals and observations in this regard to the Secretary-General before 1 July 1978;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to prepare a report containing the views of Member States on the proclamation of an international youth year and to propose possible ways and means for the observance of such a year;

3. Also requests the Secretary-General to prepare a brief synopsis of the legislative history and programme activities of the United Nations in the field of youth since 1965, and to submit it to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session for further discussion;

4. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-third session the item entitled "Policies and programmes relating to youth" and to grant it the highest priority, due consideration being given to the idea of proclaiming an international youth year at that session.

105th plenary meeting
16 December 1977

[1] Resolutions 2037 (XX), 2447 (XXIII), 2497 (XXIV), 2633 (XXV), 2770 (XXVI), 3022 (XXVII), 3023 (XXVII), 3024 (XXVII), 2770 (XXVI), 3022 (XXVII), 3023 (XXVII), 3024 (XXVII), 3140 (XXVIII), 3141 (XXVIII), 31/129, 31/130, 31/131 and 31/132. [2] Resolutions 1086 J (XXXIX), 1353 (XLV), 1354 (XLV), 1407 (XLVI), 1752 (LIV), 1922 (LVIII) 1923 (LVIII), 1966 (LIX) and 2078 (LXII).

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