Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women.
- Author: UN General Assembly (32nd sess. : 1977)
- Document source:
16 December 1977
141. Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women
1. Notes with satisfaction the decisions taken by the Consultative Committee on the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women at its first two sessions, held in March and June 1977;[3]
2. Expresses the hope that the projects which the Consultative Committee has already approved will be implemented as soon as possible;
3. Urges the specialized agencies and other United Nations bodies concerned, including the United Nations Development Programme, to assist the regional commissions in formulating projects drawn up in connexion with the United Nations Decade for Women, with a view to submitting them to the Consultative Committee;
4. Also urges the specialized agencies and other United Nations bodies concerned, including the United Nations Development Programme, to co-operate closely with the Consultative Committee with a view to developing programmes which will contribute to the advancement of women;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to submit annual reports on the management of the Fund and:
(a) To include in such reports a summary of the projects selected by the Consultative Committee for financing by the Fund;
(b) To submit periodically to the General Assembly progress reports on the execution of such projects.
105th plenary meeting16 December 1977
[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirtieth Session, Supplement No. 34 (A/10034), p. 100, items 75 and 76. [2] A/32/174. [3] Ibid., sect. II.
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