Channels of communication with youth and youth organizations.
- Author: UN General Assembly (32nd sess. : 1977)
- Document source:
16 December 1977
135. Channels of communication with youth and youth organizations
1. Adopts the gidelines for the improvement of the channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations contained in the annex to the present resolution;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution, together with its annex, to all Member States, regional commissions and regional and international youth organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council;
3. Invites Member States to communicate the substance of the present resolution and its annex to national youth organizations and ask for their comments and suggestions;
4. Invites Member States and the regional commissions to comment upon the guidelines contained in the annex to the present resolution and to offer additional suggestions regarding the further development of these guidelines;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to undertake the necessary action for the implementation of the guidelines, in particular through:
(a) Joint consultations with the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme concerning the youth activities dealt with in the guidelines;
(b) The interagency task force drawn from the secretariats of the United Nations and the specialized agencies directly concerned with youth policies and programmes, established in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 2078 (LXII);
6. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session a report on comments and suggestions offered by Member States and regional commissions relating to the guidelines contained in the annex to the present resolution and on the progress achieved in their implementation with specific, action-oriented recommendations for the further development of the guidelines and of the co-operation between the United Nations system and national and international youth organizations.
105th plenary meeting16 December 1977
ANNEX Guidelines for the improvement of the channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations
1. The Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme should be requested to continue exploring, in consultation with the Governments concerned, ways to involve youth organizations in development activities of the United Nations at the national level.
2. The office of Public Information of the Secretariat should continue to work in close co-operation with the Joint United Nations Information Committee to provide information on the issues on which the United Nations is working in a way as to attract young people, at the national level, and interest them in the ideals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
3. Bearing in mind proposals contained in his note on the role of youth in the promotion and protection of human rights,[1] the Secretary-General should explore, in consultation with Governments, the feasibility of identifying a national liaison and focal point on youth within each country, taking into consideration the networks of national correspondents which have been set up to facilitate communication between countries and with the United Nations in allied fields of social development.
4. The regional commissions should be requested to pay special attention to the question of active participation of youth in the process of national development and to consider at their forthcoming sessions appropriate forms in which regional commissions can assist Governments in this field and establish contacts with youth and youth organizations.
5. The scope of the quarterly Youth Information Bulletin should be extended and it should be published in French and Spanish in addition to English, within the existing budgetary allocations. Both governmental and non-governmental bodies dealing with youth should be encouraged to provide material for dissemination through the Bulletin and to assist in its distribution so that it may be made available to as many young people and youth organizations as possible.
6. The work of the Office of Public Information and the Center for Economic and Social Information of the Secretariat, in the creation of suitable radio and television programmes about the United Nations and its activities, should be intensified within their existing budgetary allocations.
7. The Secretary-General should continue to utilize the existing channels of communication between the United Nations and international and regional non-governmental youth organizations.
[1] E/CN.5/528 and Corr.1.
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