Assistance to Tonga.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (32nd sess. : 1977)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    13 December 1977

94. Assistance to Tonga

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 2626 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, containing the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade, and 2768 (XXVI) of 18 November 1971 on the identification of the least developed among the developing countries, Further recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 1726 (LlII) of 28 July 1972, in which the Council, inter alia, requested the Committee for Development Planning to undertake an examination of the latest available statistical information on the relevant economic, social and other variables in respect of the developing countries, with a view to making recommendations to the Council on any modification that might appear necessary in the list of the least developed countries on the basis of the criteria used in drawing up the list, Bearing in mind its resolution 3487 (XXX) of 1 December 1975 by which certain countries were add to the list of the least developed countries, Requests the Committee for Development Planning at its fourteenth session to give consideration, as a matter of priority, to the question of the inclusion of Tonga in the list of the least developed countries and to submit its conclusions to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fifth session. 101st plenary meeting
13 December 1977

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