Manila Communique of the World Food Council : Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition.
- Author: UN General Assembly (32nd sess. : 1977)
- Document source:
8 December 1977
52. Manila Communiqué of the World Food Council: Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition
1. Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the World Food Council on the work of its third session and expresses its appreciation to the Government and people of the Philippines for acting as host to the session and ensuring its outstanding success;
2. Highly commends the World Food Council for the important initiatives it has taken, as embodied in the Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger Malnutrition contained in the Manila Communiqué of the World Food Council,[4] inter alia, to increase food production in the developing countries, improve and ensure world food security, expand and improve food aid programmes, improve human nutrition and liberalize and improve food trade;
3. Adopts the Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition contained in the Manila Communiqué of the World Food Council;
4. Commends those Governments, organizations of the United Nations system and other bodies that have already taken steps or are taking steps to implement the programme of Action;
5. Calls upon all Governments, specialized agencies, organs and other bodies within and outside the United Nations system dealing with food, agriculture and human nutrition to implement the Programme of Action fully and as a matter of urgency;
6. Requests the President of the World Food Council to work with the Governments and organizations referred to in paragraph 5 above to promote full implementation of the Programme of Action and, to this end, requests the Secretary-General to give the necessary assistance to the World Food Council;
7. Further calls upon all potential donors to announce before the end of 1977 their contributions to the international emergency reserve of cereals;
8. Urges all Governments and United Nations organizations and bodies-particularly the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as well as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Children's Fund, the United Nations Development Programme, the World Food Programme, the Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries, the International Labour Organisation, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-to give full support and encouragement to the World Food Council in discharging the important responsibilities assigned to it by the World Food Conference and the General Assembly;
9. Decides to review at its thirty-third session the implementation of the Programme of Action.
98th plenary meeting8 December 1977
[1] See Report of the World Food Conference (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.75II.A.3), chap. II. [2] Ibid., chap. 1. [3] Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/32/19). [4] Ibid., part one, para. 1.
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