Assistance to Mozambique.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (31st sess. : 1976)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    1 December 1976

43. Assistance to Mozambique

The General Assembly, Recalling the resolutions of the Security Council on the question of Southern Rhodesia, in particular resolution 232 (1966) of 16 December 1966, in which the Council declared that the situation in Southern Rhodesia constituted a threat to international peace and security, and resolution 253 (1968) of 29 May 1968, in which mandatory sanctions were imposed against Southern Rhodesia, Recalling with appreciation the decision of the Government of Mozambique to implement mandatory sanctions against Southern Rhodesia in accordance with Security Council resolution 253 (1968), Having regard to the very substantial sacrifices made by the Government and the people of Mozambique as a consequence of the closure of its border as well as the Zambian border with Southern Rhodesia, Recalling Security Council resolution 386 (1976) of 17 March 1976, in which the Council appealed to all States to provide immediate financial, technical and material assistance to Mozambique and requested the Secretary-General, in collaboration with the appropriate organizations of the United Nations system, to organize, with immediate effect, all forms of financial, technical and material assistance to enable Mozambique to carry out its policy of economic independence from the racist régime of Southern Rhodesia and enhance its capacity to implement fully the United Nations mandatory sanctions, Recalling Economic and Social Council resolutions 1987 (LX) of 11 May 1976 and 2020 (LXI) of 3 August 1976, in which the Council strongly endorsed the appeal of the Security Council to the international community to provide immediate financial, technical and material assistance to Mozambique, Taking note of the report of the United Nations Mission to Mozambique,[1] which in April 1976 ascertained the financial, technical and material assistance required by Mozambique to pursue its normal development and to overcome the economic difficulties arising from the application of economic sanctions against Southern Rhodesia, Noting further the report of the Secretary-General to the Economic and Social Council on the mobilization of a programme of financial, technical and material assistance to Mozambique,[2] Having studied the report, transmitted by the Secretary-General, reviewing the economic situation in Mozambique[3] as at August 1976 and containing, inter alia, an assessment of the status of emergency projects formulated by the Government of Mozambique, as well as estimates of specific food and material requirements for the remainder of 1976 and the outlook for 1977,

1. Expresses its deep appreciation of the measures taken by the Secretary-General to organize an effective programme of international assistance to Mozambique;

2. Notes with satisfaction the assistance so far contributed or pledged to Mozambique by Member States, regional and intergovernmental organizations and the United Nations system;

3. Expresses concern that the total assistance so far contributed or pledged falls far short of the amount required by Mozambique to deal with the special economic problems arising from the implementation of the measures decided upon in Security Council resolution 253 (1968);

4. Draws the attention of the international community to the list of emergency projects required by Mozambique and described in the reports submitted by the Secretary-General;[4]4'

5. Further draws the attention of the international community to the assessment contained in the report of the Secretary-General reviewing the economic situation in Mozambique that, in addition to significant financial assistance, Mozambique will require substantial assistance, in cash or in kind, to meet the food and other material needs listed in tables 2 and 3 of that report;

6. Urges all Member States and regional and intergovernmental organizations to respond generously and to provide assistance, bilaterally and multilaterally, whenever possible in the form of grants, to enable Mozambique to bear the cost arising from the implementation of sanctions and to carry out its normal development programmes;

7. Calls upon all Member States which have not yet responded to the appeal of the Security Council to provide immediate financial, technical and material assistance to Mozambique, so that Mozambique can carry out its economic development programme normally and enhance its capacity to implement fully the system of sanctions;

8. Requests the specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system, including the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Children's Fund and the World Food Programme, to continue to assist Mozambique and consider periodically the question of economic assistance to Mozambique;

9. Requests the United Nations Special Fund to give special and favourable consideration to Mozambique's application for assistance;

10. Requests the Secretary-General:

(a) To continue his efforts for the mobilization of resources necessary for an effective programme of financial, material and technical assistance to Mozambique during 1977;

(b) To ensure that adequate financial and budgetary arrangements are made to continue the mobilization of resources and to co-ordinate the international programme of assistance to Mozambique;

(c) To arrange for a new assessment of the economic situation during the first quarter of 1977 and to give the resulting report the widest possible circulation;

(d) To keep the situation under constant review and maintain close liaison with Member States, regional and other intergovernmental organizations, specialized agencies and international financial institutions, and to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session.

84th plenary meeting
1 December 1976

[1] E/5812 and Corr.1 and Add.1. [2] E/5872/Rev.1. [3] A/31/266. [4] E/5812 and Corr.1 and Add.1, A/31/266.

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