Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (31st sess. : 1976)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    29 November 1976

28. Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 992 (X) of 21 November 1955, 2285 (XXII) of 5 December 1967, 2552 (XXIV) of 12 December 1969, 2697 (XXV) of 11 December 1970, 2968 (XXVII) of 14 December 1972 and 3349 (XXIX) of 17 December 1974, Recalling also its resolutions 2925 (XXVII) of 27 November 1972, 3073 (XXVIII) of 30 November 1973 and 3282 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974 on the strengthening of the role of the United Nations, Recalling especially resolution 3499 (XXX) of 15 December 1975, by which the General Assembly established the Special Committee on the Charter Of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization, Having considered the report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization,[1] Considering that the Special Committee has not completed the mandate given to it, Reaffirming its support for the purposes and principles set forth in the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Takes note of the report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization;

2. Decides that the Special Committee should continue its work in accordance with paragraphs I and 2 of General Assembly resolution 3499 (XXX);

3. Invites Governments to submit, or to bring up to date, their observations and proposals in accordance with General Assembly resolution 3499 (XXX);

4. Requests the Secretary-General to render all assistance to the Special Committee, including the preparation of summary records of its meetings;

5. Requests the Special Committee to submit a report on its work to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session;

6. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-second session the item entitled "Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization".

81st plenary meeting
29 November 1976

[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-first Session, Supplement No. 33 (A/31/33).

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