Nationhood Programme for Namibia.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (31st sess. : 1976)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    20 December 1976

153. Nationhood Programme for Namibia

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 2145 (XXI) of 27 October 1966, by which it decided to assume direct responsibility for Namibia, as well as resolution 2248 (S-V) of 19 May 1967, by which it established the United Nations Council for Namibia to administer the Territory until its independence, Aware of the decisive stage achieved in the struggle of the Namibians for self-determination, freedom and independence under the leadership of the South West Africa People's Organization, Recognizing that, by assuming direct responsibility for Namibia, the United Nations and its Member States have also assumed the responsibility of assisting the people of Namibia morally and materially, Recalling its resolution 2679 (XXV) of 9 December 1970, by which it decided to establish the United Nations Fund for Namibia, as well as subsequent resolutions relating to the Fund, Having examined the report of the United Nations Council for Namibia,[1] Welcoming the inauguration of the United Nations Institute for Namibia at Lusaka, Commending the steps taken by various specialized agencies and other organizations and bodies within the United Nations system to provide assistance to Namibia, Reaffirming its determination to fulfil its responsibility towards the people and Territory of Namibia,

1. Decides to launch, in support of the nationhood of Namibia, a comprehensive assistance programme within the United Nations system, covering both the present period of struggle for independence and the initial years of independence of Namibia and including:

(a) The review and planning of measures for assistance to Namibians by the specialized agencies and other organizations and bodies within the United Nations system;

(b) The consolidation of all measures in a comprehensive and sustained plan of action;

(c) The implementation of the plan of action;

2. Calls upon the United Nations Council for Namibia, as the Administering Authority of the Territory, to elaborate, in consultation with the South West Africa people's Organization, the guidelines and policies for such a programme, to be known as the Nationhood Programme for Namibia, and to direct and co-ordinate the implementation of the Programme;

3. Invites all States to participate, in the Nationhood Programme for Namibia by supporting measures for assistance to Namibians and by contributing to the United Nations Fund for Namibia and the United Nations Institute for Namibia;

4. Calls upon the specialized agencies and other organizations and bodies within the United Nations system to participate, in co-operation with the United Nations Council for Namibia, in the planning and implementation of the Nationhood Programme for Namibia;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the necessary assistance to the United Nations Council for Namibia for the effective implementation of the Nationhood Programme for Namibia.

105th plenary meeting
20 December 1976

[1] Ibid., Supplement No. 24 (A/31/24).

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