Question of Southern Rhodesia

3396. Question of Southern Rhodesia

The General Assembly, Having considered the question of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Having examined the relevant chapters of the report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples,[1] Having heard the statements of the representative of the administering Power,[2] Having heard the statements of the representative of the national liberation movement, the African National Council of Zimbabwe, who participated in an observer capacity in the consideration of the item by the Fourth Committee,[3] Recalling its resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, containing the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, and its resolution 2621 (XXV) of 12 October 1970, containing the programme of action for the full implementation of the Declaration, as well as all other resolutions relating to the question adopted by the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Special Committee, Bearing in mind that the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as the administering Power, has the primary responsibility for putting an end to the critical situation in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) which, as repeatedly affirmed by the Security Council, constitutes a threat to international peace and security, Reaffirming that any attempt to negotiate the future Of Zimbabwe with the illegal régime on the basis of independence before majority rule would be in contravention of the inalienable rights of the people of the Territory and contrary to the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and of resolution 1514 (XV), Condemning the continued oppression of the people of Zimbabwe by the illegal racist minority régime, the arbitrary imprisonment and detention of political leaders and others, the illegal execution of freedom fighters and the continued denial of fundamental human rights, including in particular the criminal measures of collective punishment, as well as the measures designed to create an apartheid State in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Noting the efforts made to promote the unity and solidarity of the liberation forces, culminating in the formation of the African National Council of Zimbabwe, and the firm determination of that national liberation movement to achieve freedom and independence on the basis of majority rule, and convinced that the unity of Zimbabwe under the leadership of its national liberation movement is fundamental to the rapid achievement of the objectives of the Declaration,

1. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of Zimbabwe to self-determination, freedom and independence and the legitimacy of their struggle to secure by all the means at their disposal the enjoyment of that right as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations and in conformity with the objectives of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);

2. Reaffirms the principle that there should be no independence before majority rule in Zimbabwe and that any settlement relating to the future of the Territory must be worked out with the full participation of the national liberation movement of the Territory, the African National Council of Zimbabwe, the sole and authentic representative of the true aspirations of the people of Zimbabwe;

3. Endorses the relevant provisions of the Dares Salaam Declaration on Southern Africa, adopted by the Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity at its ninth extraordinary session held from 7 to 10 April 1975;

4. Calls upon the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the discharge of its primary responsibility as the administering Power, to take all effective measures to enable Zimbabwe to accede to independence in accordance with the aspirations of the majority of the population and not under any circumstances to accord to the illegal regime any of the powers or attributes of sovereignty;

5. Firmly supports the people of Zimbabwe under the leadership of their national liberation movement, the African National Council of Zimbabwe, in all their efforts to achieve majority rule;

6. Demands:

(a) The termination forthwith of the executions of freedom fighters being carried out by the illegal Smith regime;

(b) The unconditional and immediate release of all political prisoners, detainees and restrictees, the removal of all restrictions on political activity and the establishment of full democratic freedom and equality of political rights, as well as the restoration to the population of fundamental human rights;

(c) The discontinuance forthwith of all repressive measures, in particular the arbitrary closure of African areas, the eviction, transfer and resettlement of Africans and the creation of so-called protected villages;

(d) The cessation of the influx of foreign immigrants into the Territory and the immediate withdrawal of all mercenaries therefrom;

7. Appeals to all States to take all necessary and effective measures to prevent advertisement for, and recruitment of, mercenaries for Southern Rhodesia;

8. Requests all States, directly and through their action in the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system of which they are members, as well as the non-governmental organizations concerned and the various programmes within the United Nations, to extend to the people of Zimbabwe, through their national liberation movement, all the moral, material, political and humanitarian assistance necessary in their struggle for the restoration of their inalienable rights;

9. Invites all Governments, the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system, the United Nations bodies concerned and non-governmental organizations having a special interest in the field of decolonization, as well as the Secretary-General, to take steps, as appropriate, to give widespread and continuous publicity through all the media at their disposal to information on the situation in Zimbabwe and on the relevant decisions and actions of the United Nations, with particular reference to the application of sanctions against the illegal régime;

10. Requests the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples to keep the situation in the Territory under review and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its thirty-first session.

2414th plenary meeting
21 November 1975

[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirtieth Session, Supplement No. 23 (A/10023/Rev.1), chaps. I-VI and IX. [2] Ibid., Thirtieth Session, Fourth Committee, 2134th, 2144th and 2155th meetings. [3] Ibid., 2139th and 2144th meetings.

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