Question of Southern Rhodesia

3397 (XXX). Question of Southern Rhodesia

The General Assembly, Having adopted resolution 3396 (XXX) of 21 November 1975 on the question of Southern Rhodesia, Strongly deploring the increasing collaboration which certain States, particularly South Africa, in violation of Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations and of the relevant decisions of the United Nations, maintain with the illegal racist minority régime, thereby seriously impeding the effective application of the sanctions and other measures taken so far against the illegal regime, Seriously concerned at the continued importation of chrome, and nickel into the United States of America from Southern Rhodesia, in violation of the relevant decisions of the Security Council and in disregard of the related resolutions of the General Assembly, Deeply disturbed at recent reports of widespread violations of United Nations sanctions, including the operation of Southern Rhodesian aircraft for international passenger and cargo traffic and the participation of "Southern Rhodesian" teams in various sporting events, as well as the continued functioning of information and airlines offices of the illegal régime outside Southern Rhodesia and the resultant influx of foreign tourists into the Territory, Considering that developments in the area call in particular for positive, concerted international action with a view to imposing maximum isolation on the illegal régime, Reaffirming its conviction that the sanctions will not put an end to the illegal racist minority régime unless they are comprehensive, mandatory and effectively supervised, enforced and complied with by all States, in particular by South Africa,

1. Strongly condemns the policies of the Governments, particularly the Government of South Africa, which, in violation of the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and in open contravention of their specific obligations under Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations, continue to collaborate with the illegal racist minority régime, and calls upon those Governments to cease forthwith all such collaboration;

2. Condemns all violations of the mandatory sanctions imposed by the Security Council, as well as the continued failure of certain Member States to enforce those sanctions strictly, as being contrary to the obligations assumed by them under Article 25 of the Charter;

3. Condemns the continued importation of chrome and nickel from Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) into the United States of America, and calls upon the Government of the United States to repeal speedily all legislation permitting such importation;

4. Calls upon all Governments which so far have not done so:

(a) To take stringent enforcement measures to ensure strict compliance by all individuals, associations and bodies corporate under their jurisdiction with the sanctions imposed by the Security Council and to prohibit any form of collaboration by them with the illegal régime;

(b) To take effective steps to prevent or discourage the emigration to Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) of any individuals or groups of individuals under their jurisdiction,

(c) To discontinue any action which might confer a semblance of legitimacy on the illegal régime, inter alia, by forbidding the operation and activities of Air Rhodesia, the Rhodesia National Tourist Board and the Rhodesian Information Office, or any other activities which contravene the aims and purposes of the sanctions;

(d) To invalidate passports and other documents for travel to the Territory;

5. Reiterates its conviction that the scope of the sanctions against the illegal régime must be widened to include all the measures envisaged under Article 41 of the Charter and requests the Security Council to consider taking the necessary measures in that regard as a matter of urgency;

6. Requests the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples to follow the implementation of the present resolution and invites the Security Council Committee established in pursuance of resolution 253 (1968) concerning the question of Southern Rhodesia to continue to co-operate in the related work of the Special Committee.

2414th plenary meeting
21 November 1975

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