Elaboration of a draft Convention on Territorial Asylum

3456. Elaboration of a draft Convention on Territorial Asylum

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 3272 (XXIX) of 10 December 1974 relating to the elaboration of a draft Convention on Territorial Asylum, Noting that the Group of Experts on the Draft Convention on Territorial Asylum, constituted in accordance with paragraph 2 of the aforementioned resolution, has reviewed the text of the draft Convention and has submitted its report thereon,[1] Noting the view reiterated by the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme that a conference of plenipotentiaries on territorial asylum should be, convened to consider the draft Convention on Territorial Asylum,[2]

1. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, to convene a conference of plenipotentiaries on territorial asylum from 10 January to 4 February 1977 to consider and adopt a Convention on Territorial Asylum;

2. Decides that the cost for holding the conference of plenipotentiaries on territorial asylum should be met by voluntary contributions;

3. Authorizes the High Commissioner to seek such funds;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to refer the report of the Group of Experts on the, Draft Convention on Territorial Asylum to Member States for any observations and comments that they may wish to make before the conference of plenipotentiaries.

2433rd plenary meeting
9 December 1975

[1] See A/ 10177 and Corr.1. [2] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirtieth Session, Supplement No. 12A (A/10012/Add.1), para. 69.

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