Consultative Committee for the Conference of the International Women's Year
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
10 December 1974
3277. Consultative Committee for the Conference of the International Women's Year
1. Expresses the hope that the preparation of the Conference of the International Women's Year will be given the full attention which it warrants, having regard to the importance of the question;
2. Decides to establish a Consultative Committee for the Conference of the International Women's Year composed of not more than twenty-three Member States designated by the Chairman of the Third Committee after consultation with the different regional groups, on the basis of equitable geographical distribution;[1]
3. Expresses the hope that the Consultative Committee will be comprised of highly qualified individuals designated by their respective Governments;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to convene the Consultative Committee not later than March 1975 at United Nations Headquarters, for a period not exceeding ten working days, to advise him on the preparation of an international plan of action to be finalized by the Conference;
5. Decides that all the costs of convening the Consultative Committee, including the travel expenses of its members, will be met from the fund for voluntary contributions for the International Women's Year established under Economic and Social Council resolution 1850 (LVI) of 16 May 1974;
6. Appeals to Member States to make, in so far as it lies within their power, voluntary contributions to the above-mentioned fund in order to meet the necessary financial implications for the convening of the Consultative Committee;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to prepare a draft international plan of action in time to be considered by the Consultative Committee and to submit a progress report on the preparation of the Conference to the organizational session of the Economic and Social Council in January 1975.
2311th plenary meeting10 December 1974 At the 2311th plenary meeting, on 10 December 1974, the President of the General Assembly announced that the Chairman of the Third Committee, in pursuance of paragraph 2 of the above resolution, had designated the members of the Consultative Committee for the Conference of the International Women's Year. As a result, the Consultative Committee is composed of the following Member States: AUSTRALIA, BELGIUM, BRAZIL, FRANCE, GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, INDIA, IRAN, JAMAICA, JAPAN, JORDAN, MEXICO, NIGER, PHILIPPINES, ROMANIA, RWANDA, SENEGAL, SIERRA LEONE, SWEDEN, TUNISIA, UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS, UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and VENEZUELA.
[1] See also P. 95, item 12.
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