United Nations Children's Fund
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
4 December 1974
3250. United Nations Children's Fund
1. Fully endorses the decision of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund entitled "Declaration of an emergency for children in developing countries as a result of the current economic crisis";[3]
2. Appeals, with a sense of urgency, to all Governments, especially those of the industrialized countries, and other potential contributors to increase their contributions to the United Nations Children's Fund so that it may enlarge its assistance to children in developing countries and respond effectively to the emergency affecting them;
3. Requests the Secretary-General, in collaboration with the Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund, to convene regular annual pledging conferences for the Fund starting in 1975.
2306th plenary meeting4 December 1974
[1] Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 9 (E/5528). [2] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/9603), chap. VI, sect. 13.6. [3] Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 9 (E/5528), para. 6.
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