Economic, financial and technical assistance to the Government of Guinea-Bissau

3339. Economic, financial and technical assistance to the Government of Guinea-Bissau

The General Assembly, Considering that the accession to independence of the African Territories under Portuguese domination has been and will be made under particularly difficult economic and social circumstances, Convinced of the urgent necessity for the competent organizations of the United Nations to elaborate concrete programmes and projects of an economic, technical and financial nature destined to assist the newly independent States in their efforts for reconstruction and economic, social and cultural development, Firmly convinced that this assistance is a responsibility that befalls the international community as a whole and constitutes the natural follow-up of the efforts undertaken by the United Nations in support of the independence of colonial countries and peoples, Recalling the decision taken by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme at its eighteenth session, inter alia, to assign an indicative planning figure for 1977-1981 to Guinea-Bissau and to take, during the present development cycle, measures of assistance to that country in accordance with paragraph 6 of the report of the Administrator of the Programme,[1]

1. Invites all Member States, in particular the developed countries, to initiate and intensify efforts to provide economic, technical and financial assistance to the Government of Guinea-Bissau;

2. Invites all organizations of the United Nations development system, particularly the international financial institutions, to take urgent measures to assist Guinea-Bissau, taking into account in particular the need to apply maximum flexibility in the procedures followed in the formulation and implementation of economic and financial assistance to that country;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report to the General Assembly at its thirtieth session, through the Economic and Social Council, on the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 above.

2323rd plenary meeting
17 December 1974

[1] DP/66.

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