Inclusion of Arabic among the Official and the working languages of the General Assembly and its Main Committees1

3190. Inclusion of Arabic among the Official and the working languages of the General Assembly and its Main Committees[1]

The General Assembly, Recognizing the significant role of the Arabic language in preserving and disseminating the civilization of man and his culture, Recognizing further that Arabic is the language of nineteen Members of the United Nations and is a working language in such specialized agencies as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organisation, as well as an official and working language of the Organization of African Unity, Aware of the need to achieve greater international co-operation and to promote harmonization of the actions of nations as envisaged in the Charter of the United Nations, Noting with appreciation the assurances of the Arab States Members of the United Nations that they will meet collectively the costs of implementing -the present resolution during the first three years, Decides to include Arabic among the official and the working languages of the General Assembly and its Main Committees and to amend accordingly the relevant provisions of the rules of procedure of the Assembly.[2] 2206th plenary meeting,
18 December 1973

[1] See also "Other decisions", p. 137. [2] See resolution 3191 (XXVIII).

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