3173. Assistance to Zambia

The General Assembly, Recalling all previous resolutions adopted by the Security Council concerning the question of assistance to Zambia, in particular resolution 329 (1973) of 10 March 1973, Recalling further Economic and Social Council resolution 1798 (LV) of 24 July 1973, Reaffirming that Zambia's decision to divert its trade from the southern route is in compliance with the relevant decisions of the Security Council and designed to enhance its capacity to implement fully the mandatory sanctions against the illegal régime of Southern Rhodesia, Recognizing the urgent need for increased international assistance to supplement Zambia's national effort to overcome the special economic problems arising from the closure of its southern border,

1. Commends all those Member States which have responded positively to the appeals contained in Security Council resolution 329 (1973) and in Economic and Social Council resolution 1798 (LV);

2. Renews the appeal for more and greater contributions by the world community to enable Zambia to maintain its normal flow of traffic;

3. Takes note with satisfaction of the measures taken and specific proposals made by the Secretary-General designed to achieve the objective envisaged in Security Council resolution 329 (1973);

4. Requests the Secretary-General, in collaboration with the appropriate organizations within the United Nations system, to maintain his efforts to generate maximum assistance.

2203rd plenary meeting,
17 December 1973

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