Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
18 December 1972
3033. Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country
1. Condemns all acts of violence, terrorist attacks and harassment directed against the premises of missions accredited to the United Nations or against their personnel as fundamentally incompatible with the status of such missions and personnel under international law and calls upon the host country to take all appropriate preventive measures;
2. Welcomes the adoption, on 24 October 1972, of the Act for the Protection of Foreign Officials and Official Guests of the United States[5] and hopes that this Act will form a basis for the application of effective measures against acts of violence, terrorist attacks and harassment directed at the premises of missions accredited to the United Nations or their personnel, including the application of effective measures against the organization of demonstrations and picketing where there is reason to believe that they may be accompanied by acts of violence or may prevent the conduct of the normal business of missions accredited to the United Nations;
3. Considers it necessary that active measures should be taken on the part of the authorities of the host country, the United Nations Secretariat and all others concerned to enhance the relations between the diplomatic community and the local community, in order to ensure the existence of conditions conducive to the effective functioning of the United Nations and the missions accredited to it;
4. Decides that the Committee on Relations with the Host Country should continue its work in 1973 in conformity with General Assembly resolution 2819 (XXVI) with the purpose of examining all matters falling within its terms of reference;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to furnish all appropriate assistance to the Committee on Relations with the Host Country and to bring to its attention issues of mutual concern relating to the implementation of the Agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations and the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations;
6. Requests the Committee on Relations with the Host Country to submit to the General Assembly at its twenty-eighth session a report on the progress of its work and to make, if it deems necessary, appropriate recommendations;
7. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its twenty-eighth session the item entitled "Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country"
2114th plenary meeting18 December 1972
[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 26 (A/8726). [2] See resolution 169 (II). [3] See resolution 22 A (I). [4] United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 500, No. 7310, p. 95. [5] See A/8871/Rev.1.
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