Revenue-producing activities

3047. Revenue-producing activities

The General Assembly, Having examined the report of the Secretary-General on revenue-producing activities,[1] especially paragraph 26 thereof on services to visitors, and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2] Recalling the report of the Secretary-General on revenue-producing activities submitted to the General Assembly at its tenth session,[3] in which he indicated that the revenue is not, nor should it be, the sole justification for such activities and that regard must be paid to other, and often overriding, purposes of the activities which are not always consonant with a purely financial approach to management questions, Convinced of the public information value of the United Nations guided tours, Mindful that the Office of Public Information is at present engaged in a serious effort to help build a positive public image of the United Nations, Convinced that the guided tours play an important public relations role in the success of this operation, Aware that thousands of visitors taking the guided tours every year acquire a better understanding of the United Nations and, in turn, spread a spirit of goodwill which is essential for the reinforcement of confidence in the Organization, Concerned about the reduced public interest in the United Nations, as reported by the Secretary-General, and the steady decline in the number of visitors to the United Nations,

1. Affirms the view of the Secretary-General that the guided tours are conceived primarily as a public information service and as a means of informing visitors of the aims and activities of the United Nations;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to take appropriate measures to strengthen the operation of the public services of the Office of Public Information in order to increase their effectiveness.

2116th plenary meeting
19 December 1972

[1] A/C.5/1479. [2] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 8A (A/8708/Add.1-30), document A/8708/Add.22 [3] Ibid., Tenth Session, Annexes, agenda items 38 and 47, document A/C.5/623

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