Channels of communication with youth and international youth organizations

3022. Channels of communication with youth and international youth organizations

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 2037 (XX) of 7 December 1965, 2497 (XXIV) of 28 October 1969, 2633 (XXV) of 11 November 1970, 2659 (XXV) of 7 December 1970 and 2770 (XXVI) of 22 November 1971, Welcoming the increasing and active awareness of young people of their potential contribution to the building of a better society, which requires that they be more fully integrated into the political, economic and social life of their countries, Convinced that youth has an important role to play in promoting the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and the objectives of peace, international security and co-operation among nations, social and economic progress and universal respect for human rights, Emphasizing the responsibility of society to educate youth in a spirit of national and international service, as well as the responsibility of youth towards society, Noting that the existing methods of communication and co-operation between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations could be improved in order to meet the needs and aspirations of youth, Aware of the need to increase the role of the United Nations in developing contacts and communications among national and international youth organizations,

1. Takes note with appreciation of the Secretary-General's report on channels of communication with youth and international youth organizations;[1]

2. Endorses the conclusion expressed in the report that the United Nations should pay particular attention in the future to involving youth in programmes of national development and international co-operation as well as in the activities of the United Nations;

3. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to utilize existing channels of communication with youth and national and international youth organizations and to seek to establish new channels;

4. Recommends that the Secretary-General evaluate existing United Nations programmes and projects in order to enable youth to participate fully at appropriate levels of policy formulation and project implementation and evaluation;

5. Recommends further that the Secretary-General should take appropriate administrative action, with the means and personnel available, to co-ordinate activities of the United Nations system in which youth may participate;

6. Expresses its appreciation of the recommendations submitted by the Secretary-General in his report;[2]

7. Approves the recommendation of the Secretary-General to convene an Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Youth to advise him on activities that should be undertaken by the United Nations to meet the needs and aspirations of youth, including the following:

(a) Concrete measures for the implementation of the proposals contained in the report of the Secretary-General;

(b) Assistance to Governments and United Nations organs, especially the regional economic commissions, to prepare systematic programmes and series of projects to increase the involvement of youth in national development and in the promotion of human rights, with particular reference to the implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade;[3]

(c) Exchanges among bodies having special social and scientific knowledge of, and competence in, concerns related to youth, with a view to sharing their experience in matters regarding the needs and aspirations of young people

(d) Elaboration of programmes for seminars and symposia on youth within the framework of the programme of advisory services of the United Nations;

8. Considers that the United Nations University[4] will serve as one of the important channels of communication with youth and will provide a free forum for the teaching and for the discussion among young people of subjects relating to international law, human dignity and human rights, and also to the role of youth in promoting economic and social progress, world peace, understanding and co-operation among peoples;

9. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the conclusions and recommendations of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Youth, with his comments, to the Economic and Social Council at its fifty-sixth session, which is to consider, among other things, the continuation of the Group;

10. Decides to reexamine when necessary, but not later than at its thirtieth session, the question of channels of communication with youth and youth organizations;

11. Decides to examine at its Twenty-eighth session the report of the Secretary-General on the world social situation of youth, to be submitted in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1407 (XLVI) of 5 June 1969.

2114th plenary meeting
18 December 1972

[1] A/8743. [2] Ibid., paras. 35-42. [3] Resolution 2626 (XXV). [4] See resolution 2951 (XXVII).

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