Review of criteria for calculating indicative planning figures

2972. Review of criteria for calculating indicative planning figures

The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme on its fourteenth session,[1] Noting the report of the Governing Council's Working Group on Review of Criteria to be Followed in Calculating Indicative Planning Figures and the amendments thereto,[2] Noting also the discussions in the Governing Council during its fourteenth session on the review of criteria to be followed in calculating indicative planning figures, Recognizing the difficulty of devising a new general scheme designed to secure equity in the allocation of United Nations Development Programme resources to all recipient countries, as a result of which there is need for further study of the matter, Convinced that it is imperative to devise a most fair and equitable new general scheme, envisaged to have a reasonable degree of stability and a long-term applicability, considering particularly the anticipated increase in United Nations Development Programme resources, and that would be without prejudice to the relevant special measures in favour of the least developed countries contained in the various resolutions and decisions of organizations in the United Nations system, Noting further the general view expressed by the Governing Council at its fourteenth session that during the first development cycle, that is, 1972-1976, there will be no decrease in the level of the indicative planning figures of recipient countries as presently allocated,[3]

1. Requests the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme to undertake a special technical study and review in depth of the criteria for calculating indicative planning figures, taking into account the relevant decisions and resolutions of the Governing Council of the Programme, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development at its third session, the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly, the report of the Governing Council on its fourteenth session concerning the review of those criteria, and the views expressed on this matter at the twenty-seventh session of the Assembly;

2. Requests the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme to submit his study, as envisaged in paragraph 1 above, to the Governing Council at its sixteenth session for detailed consideration with a view to finalizing the new criteria for calculating indicative planning figures at the seventeenth session of the Council.

2109th plenary meeting
14 December 1972

[1] Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Fifty-third Session, Supplement No. 2A (E/5185/Rev.1). [2] .Ibid., paras. 96 and 97. [3] Ibid., chap. II, sect. D.

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