Implementation of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts of Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
17 December 1970
2735. Implementation of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts of Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies
The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 2150 (XXI) of 4 November 1966 and 2360 (XXII) of 19 December 1967 relating to the establishment and the setting up of a Joint Inspection Unit, Taking note with appreciation of the work of the Joint Inspection Unit, Noting the related reports of the Secretary-General[1] and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]1. Decides to continue the Joint Inspection Unit on the existing experimental basis for a further period of two years beyond 31 December 1971;
2. Recommends to the other participating organizations in the United Nations system to take appropriate measures for the continuation of the Joint Inspection Unit on the same basis;
3. Decides to review the question of the Joint Inspection Unit at its twenty-seventh session and, for this purpose, requests the views of the Secretary-General as Chairman of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, the governing bodies of the specialized agencies concerned, the Economic and Social Council, the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and the Joint Inspection Unit itself.
1933rd plenary meeting,17 December 1970.
The General Assembly1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies;[3]
2. Endorses the observations and recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, as set forth in its related report,[4] particularly those contained in paragraphs 6 and 7 of that report concerning the need for a continuing critical review, in the future, of the implementation of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies.
1933rd plenary meeting,17 December 1970.
[1] A/C.5/1304 and Corr.1. [2] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-fifth Session, Annexes, agenda item 80, document A/8128. [3] A/7999 and Add. 1. [4] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-fifth Session, Annexes, agenda item 80, document A/8139.
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