Installation of mechanical means of voting

2519. Installation of mechanical means of voting

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 1957 (XVIII) of 12 December 1963 regarding the installation of mechanical means of voting in the General Assembly Hall on an experimental basis and the carrying out of additional work of a preparatory nature in one or two committee rooms so as to permit an eventual expansion of the system, Recalling also its decision of 7 December 1966[1] to approve the use of the mechanical voting system in the General Assembly Hall on a permanent basis, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General concerning the installation of mechanical means of voting in one committee room[2]2, as well as the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions[3] and the report of the Fifth Committee[4] on the administrative and financial implications thereof,

1. Authorizes the Secretary-General to proceed, as outlined in his report, with the design and construction of a mechanical voting system for installation in one main committee room, on the understanding that no expenditure shall be incurred until a demonstration model has been completed and confirmation of the technical accuracy of the design has been established;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report to the General Assembly at its twenty-fifth session on the progress achieved in the design, construction and installation of a mechanical voting system in a main committee room, together with his recommendations on any further steps to be taken.

1820th plenary meeting,
4 December 1969.

[1] Ibid.: Twenty-first Session, Plenary Meetings, 1486th meeting, para. 51. [2] Ibid., Twenty-fourth Session, Annexes, agenda item 26, document A/7737. [3] Ibid., document A/7755. [4] Ibid., document A/7771.

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