Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern Rhodesia, Namibia and Territories under Portuguese domination and in all other Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colonialism, apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa

2425. Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern Rhodesia, Namibia and Territories under Portuguese domination and in all other Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colonialism, apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa

The General Assembly, Having considered the item entitled "Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern Rhodesia, Namibia and Territories under Portuguese domination and in all other Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colonialism, apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa", Having examined the report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples relating to this question,[1] Recalling its resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 containing the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, in particular the eighth preambular paragraph thereof, and its resolution 2288 (XXII) of 7 December 1967, Convinced that any economic or other activity which impedes the implementation of resolution 1514 (XV) and which obstructs efforts aimed at the elimination of colonialism, apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa and other colonial Territories is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Recalling that the administering Powers have the obligation to ensure the political, economic, social and educational advancement of the inhabitants of the Territories tinder their administration and to protect the population and the natural resources of these Territories against abuses, in accordance with Chapters XI and XII of the Charter,

1. Approves the report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples relating to this question;

2. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of dependent Territories to self-determination and independence and to the natural resources of their Territories, as well as their right to dispose of these resources in their best interest;

3. Declares that any administering Power, by depriving the colonial peoples of the exercise of these rights or by subordinating them to foreign economic and financial interests, violates the obligations it has assumed under Chapters XI and XII of the Charter of the United Nations and impedes the implementation of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);

4. Condemns the exploitation of the colonial Territories and peoples and the methods practised in the Territories under colonial domination by those foreign economic, financial and other interests which are designed to perpetuate colonial rule;

5. Deplores those policies of the administering Powers aimed at encouraging the systematic inflow of foreign immigrants to colonial Territories which jeopardize the rights and interests of the colonial peoples of these Territories;

6. Deplores the refusal of the States concerned to implement the provisions of paragraphs 7, 8 and 10 of General Assembly resolution 2288 (XXII);

7. Requests the administering Powers to take immediate measures to put an end to all practices which exploit the Territories and peoples under their administration and consequently violate the political, economic and social rights of the peoples;

8. Requests all States to take practical measures to ensure that the activities of their nationals involved in economic, financial and other concerns in dependent Territories do not run counter to the rights and interests of the colonial peoples, in conformity with the objectives of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) and other relevant resolutions;

9. Requests the Special Committee to continue to study this question and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its twenty-fourth session;

10. Requests the Secretary-General to use all the facilities at his disposal to render assistance to the Special Committee in the pursuit of this study.

1747th plenary meeting,
18 December 1968.

[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-third Session, Annexes, agenda item 68, documents A/7320 and Add.1.

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