Measures for effectively combating racial discrimination and the policies of apartheid and segregation in southern Africa
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
19 December 1968
2439. Measures for effectively combating racial discrimination and the policies of apartheid and segregation in southern Africa
1. Endorses the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur appointed by the Commission on Human Rights under its resolution 7 (XXIII) of 16 March 19672[1] that the Government of South Africa be requested to repeal, amend and replace laws cited in paragraph 1547 of the Special Rapporteur's report;[2]
2. Considers it essential that, in order to conform with its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, the Government of South Africa should undertake to repeal, amend and replace the various discriminatory laws cited in paragraph 1547 of the Special Rapporteur's report;
3. Calls upon the Government of South Africa to repeal, amend and replace the laws in force in South Africa referred to in paragraph 1 above and to report to the Secretary-General on the measures taken or envisaged in accordance with that paragraph;
4. Urges all States to encourage information media within their territories to publicize the evils of apartheid and racial discrimination and the inhuman acts practised by the Government of South Africa and the illegal régime in Southern Rhodesia, as well as the aims and purposes of the United Nations and its efforts to eliminate these evils;
5. Condemns the actions of all those Governments which, in violation of United Nations resolutions, are continuing to maintain diplomatic, commercial, military, cultural and other relations with South Africa and the illegal régime in Southern Rhodesia;
6. Calls upon those, Governments to break off such relations;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to take steps to draw the widest possible public attention to the evils of these policies through the interested non-governmental organizations, trade unions, religious institutions, student and other organizations, as well as libraries and schools;
8. Also requests the Secretary-General to keep under constant review the question of promoting co-ordination and co-operation in the activities of the specialized agencies and organs of the United Nations dealing with matters relating to apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa;
9. Further requests the Secretary-General to establish a United Nations information centre in South Africa with a view to disseminating the aims and purposes of the United Nations;
10. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its twenty-fourth session on the implementation of the present resolution, and in particular on the actions taken by the Government of South Africa to give effect to paragraph 3 above.
1748th plenary meeting,19 December 1968.
[1] See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Forty-second Session, Supplement No. 6 (E/4322 and Corr.1), para. 376. [2] E/CN.4/949/Add.4.
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