The Korean question
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
20 December 1968
2466. The Korean question
1. Reaffirms that the objectives of the United Nations in Korea are to bring about, by peaceful means, the establishment of a unified, independent and democratic Korea under a representative form of government, and the full restoration of international peace and security in the area;
2. Expresses the belief that arrangements should be made to achieve these objectives through genuinely free elections held in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly;
3. Calls for co-operation in the easing of tensions in the area and, in particular, for the avoidance of incidents and activities in violation of the Armistice Agreement of 1953;
4. Notes with approval the efforts made by the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea, in pursuit of its mandate, to encourage the exercise of restraint and the easing of tensions in the area and to secure maximum support, assistance and co-operation in the realization of the peaceful reunification of Korea;
5. Requests the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea to pursue these and other efforts to achieve the objectives of the United Nations in Korea, to continue to carry out the tasks previously assigned to it by the General Assembly and to keep members of the Assembly informed on the situation in the area and on the results of these efforts through regular reports submitted to the Secretary-General and to the Assembly as appropriate, the first report to be submitted to the Secretary-General no later than four months after the adoption of the present resolution;
6. Notes that the United Nations forces which were sent to Korea in accordance with United Nations resolutions have in greater part already been withdrawn, that the sole objective of the United Nations forces at present in Korea is to preserve the peace and security of the area, and that the Governments concerned are prepared to withdraw their remaining forces from Korea whenever such action is requested by the Republic of Korea or whenever the conditions for a lasting settlement formulated by the General Assembly have been fulfilled.
1751st plenary meeting,20 December 1968.
[1] Ibid., Twenty-third Session, Supplement No. 12 (A/7212).
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