United Nations Children's Fund

2214. United Nations Children's Fund

The General Assembly, Taking the opportunity of the twentieth anniversary of the United Nations Children's Fund to congratulate Governments, organizations and individuals on their support of and partnership with the Fund in its two decades of significant contribution to the well-being of children throughout the world and to international solidarity, Recognizing the value of aid from the United Nations Children's Fund in helping developing countries accelerate and improve the operation of services benefiting children, Noting with approval that the United Nations Children's Fund is helping Governments, as part of their national development plans and programmes, not only to protect their children and young people, but to ensure that they receive a suitable preparation for making their contribution to the economic and social progress of their countries, Welcoming the fact that the training of national personnel in services benefiting children is now one of the major features of aid from the United Nations Children's Fund, Commending the continued close co-operation between the United Nations Children's Fund and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat and the relevant technical and other agencies in the United Nations family, Deeply concerned, however, at the magnitude of the unmet needs of children and youth in the developing countries and the ever-increasing demands on the resources of the United Nations Children's Fund, Noting with approval the support in the Economic and Social Council and the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund for an income goal of $50 million to be reached by the end of 1969, at the close of the United Nations Development Decade,

1. Endorses the activities and objectives of the United Nations Children's Fund;

2. Urges Governments to increase their contributions to the United Nations Children's Fund and calls upon supporting organizations, groups and individuals to intensify their efforts so that the new income goal may be reached;

3. Recommends that Governments should include projects to meet the needs of children and youth in their over-all development plans.

1498th plenary meeting,
19 December 1966.

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