International agreement on cocoa
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
17 December 1966
2210. International agreement on cocoa
1. Expresses deep disappointment at the failure of the 1966 United Nations Cocoa Conference to conclude a cocoa agreement;
2. Deplores the breakdown of the multilateral consultations on cocoa held in New York from 29 November to 7 December 1966;
3. Affirms the need for reaching an international cocoa agreement at an early date and in any case not later than the beginning of the 1967-1968 cocoa season;
4. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to approach the Governments concerned with a view to resuming the multilateral consultations on cocoa at an early date;
5. Calls upon all concerned in the consultations, particularly the major consumer countries, to do their utmost to arrive at an agreement on all outstanding matters;
6. Urges Governments to ensure that representatives to these consultations have sufficient political mandate to facilitate agreement on the various matters at issue;
7. Urges further that these consultations should he completed as soon as possible so that there may be an early resumption of the Cocoa Conference with a view to concluding an agreement which will answer the needs of the developing countries.
1497th plenary meeting,17 December 1966.
[1] Ibid., annex A.II.1, p. 26. [2]2 Official Records of the Trade and Development Board, Fourth Session, Annexes, agenda item 9, document TD/B/81. [3] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-first Session, Annexes, agenda item 37, document A/6567/Add.1, annex. [4] Ibid., Twenty-first Session, Supplement No. 15 (A/6315/ Rev.1), part two, annex B.
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