Special training programme for Territories under Portuguese administration

2237. Special training programme for Territories under Portuguese administration

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 1808 (XVII) of 14 December 1962 and 1973 (XVIII) of 16 December 1963, by which it established a special training programme for the indigenous people of the Territories under Portuguese administration, Having considered the report submitted by the Secretary-General in accordance with paragraph 8 of General Assembly resolution 2108 (XX) of 21 December 1965,[1] Noting with deep regret that, notwithstanding paragraph 10 of resolution 1808 (XVII), paragraph 8 of resolution 1973 (XVIII) and paragraph 7 of resolution 2108 (XX), the Government of Portugal has not co-operated in the implementation of the special training programme, Noting with satisfaction that several Member States have extended offers of scholarships to students from Territories under Portuguese administration, Noting further that a number of States have included in their offers scholarships for secondary education and vocational training, in response to the invitation contained in paragraph 4 of resolution 2108 (XX), Noting with appreciation the measures adopted by the Secretary-General with a view to making the benefits of the special training programme available to as many indigenous inhabitants of the Territories under Portuguese administration as possible, and the progress achieved in this respect, Taking note of the assistance provided by the specialized agencies in the implementation of the special training programme,

1. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to take measures with a view to making the benefits of the special training programme available to as many indigenous inhabitants of the Territories under Portuguese administration as possible;

2. Invites the United Nations programmes of technical assistance and the specialized agencies to continue to co-operate in the implementation of the special training programme by offering every possible assistance and such facilities and resources as they may be able to provide to the recipients and the Governments participating in the programme;

3. Expresses its appreciation to Member States which have extended offers of scholarships to students from Territories under Portuguese administration;

4. Invites the Member States which have offered scholarships, and those which plan to do so, to consider offering in the first place scholarships for secondary education and for vocational and technical training;

5. Requests Member States to inform the Secretary-General of any scholarships offered and of awards made and utilized;

6. Further requests Member States to facilitate the travel of students from Territories under Portuguese administration who are seeking to avail themselves of the educational opportunities offered;

7. Reiterates its request to the Government of Portugal to co-operate in the implementation of the special training programme for inhabitants of Territories under its administration;

8. Requests the Secretary-General to report on this question to the General Assembly at its twenty-second session.

1500th plenary meeting,
20 December 1966.

[1] Ibid., document A/6464.

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