Question of Southern Rhodesia

2138. Question of Southern Rhodesia

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, Recalling further its resolutions 1747 (XVI) of 28 June 1962, 1760 (XVII) of 31 October 1962, 1883 (XVIII) of 14 October 1963, 1889 (XVIII) of 6 November 1963, 1956 (XVIII) of 11 December 1963, 2012 (XX) of 12 October 1965, 2022 (XX) of 5 November I965 and 2024 (XX) of 11 November 1965, and Security Council resolutions 202 (1965) of 6 May 1965, 216 (1965) of 12 November 1965, 217 (1965) of 20 November 1965 and 221 (1966) of 9 April 1966, and the resolutions adopted by the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples on 22 April 1965,[1] 28 May 1965 [2] 21 April 1966[3] and 31 May 1966,[4] concerning the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Southern Rhodesia, Noting with grave concern that the "talks about talks" between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the illegal racist minority régime further jeopardize the inalienable rights of the African people of Zimbabwe,

1. Condemns any arrangement reached between the administering Power and the illegal racist minority régime which will not recognize the inalienable rights of the people of Zimbabwe to self-determination and independence in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);

2. Reaffirms the obligation of the administering Power to transfer power to the people of Zimbabwe on the basis of universal adult suffrage, in accordance with the principle of "one man, one vote".

1450th plenary meeting,
22 October 1966.

[1]1 Ibid., Twentieth Session, Annexes, addendum to agenda item 23 (A/6000/Rev.1), chapter III, para. 292. [2] Ibid., para. 513. [3] Ibid., Twenty-first Session, Annexes, addendum to agenda item 23 (A/6306/Rev.1), chapter III, para. 587. [4] Ibid., para. 1097.

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