Question of South West Africa
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
17 December 1965
2074. Question of South West Africa
1. Approves the chapters of the reports of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples relating to South West Africa;
2. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations of the Special Committee contained in its report on the implications of the activities of the mining industry and of the other international companies having interests in South West Africa;
3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of South West Africa to freedom and independence, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);
4. Condemns the policies of apartheid and racial discrimination practised by the Government of South Africa in South West Africa, which constitute a crime against humanity;
5. Considers that any attempt to partition the Territory or to take any unilateral action, directly or in directly, preparatory thereto constitutes a violation o the Mandate and of resolution 1514 (XV);
6. Considers further that any attempt to annex a part or the whole of the Territory of South West Africa constitutes an act of aggression;
7. Calls upon the Government of South Africa to remove immediately all bases and other military installations located in the Territory of South West Africa and to refrain from utilizing the Territory in any way whatsoever as a military base for internal or external purposes;
8. Condemns the policies of financial interests operating in South West Africa, which mercilessly exploit human and material resources and impede the progress of the Territory and the right of the people to freedom and independence;
9. Condemns the policy of the Government of South Africa to circumvent the political and economic rights of the indigenous people of the Territory through a large-scale settlement of foreign immigrants in the Territory;
10. Condemns the Government of South Africa for its refusal to co-operate with the United Nations in implementing the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;
11. Requests all States to take immediate action to carry out paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 1890 (XVIII)
12. Appeals to all States to give the indigenous people of South West Africa all necessary moral and material support in their legitimate struggle for freedom and independence;
13. Requests the Security Council to keep watch over the critical situation prevailing in South West Africa in the light of the ninth preambular paragraph of the present resolution.
1400th plenary meeting,17 December 1965.
[1] Ibid., annex No. 8 (part I) (A/5800/Rev.1), chapter IV; ibid., Twentieth Session, Annexes, addendum to agenda item 23 (A/6000/Rev.1), chapter IV. [2] Ibid., Nineteenth Session, Annexes, annex No. 16, document A/5840. [3] Ibid., annex No. 8 (part I) (A/5800/Rev.1), chapter IV, para. 232. [4] Ibid., Twentieth Session, Annexes, addendum to agenda item 23 (A/6000/Rev.1), chapter IV, para. 285.
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