Review of salary scales of the professional and higher categories of the international civil service
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
13 December 1965
2050. Review of salary scales of the professional and higher categories of the international civil service
The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General [1]1together with the relevant reports of the International Civil Service Advisory Board [2]2and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[3] Decides that:1. With effect from 1 January 1966 in the case -of staff in the professional and higher categories, and from such date as the Secretary-General may determine in the case of other staff, regulation 3.3, paragraphs (a) and (b), of the Staff Regulations of the United Nations shall be amended to read as follows:
"Regulation 3.3
"(a) An assessment at the rates and under the conditions specified below shall be applied to the salaries and such other emoluments of staff members as are computed on the basis of salary, excluding post adjustments, provided that the Secretary-General may, where he deems it advisable, exempt from the assessment the salaries and emoluments of staff engaged at locality rates.
"(b) The assessment shall be calculated according to the following rates:
"Total assessable payments (In US dollars) | Assessment percent |
First $1,000 per year | 5 |
Next $1,000 per year | 10 |
Next $1,000 per year | 15 |
Next $1,000 per year | 20 |
Next $6,000 per year | 25 |
Next $6,000 per year | 30 |
Next $8,000 per year | 35 |
Next $8,000 per year | 40 |
Next $8,000 per year | 45 |
Remaining assessable payments | 50 |
"The resulting net salary may be rounded to the nearest $10. In the case of staff whose salary scales are established in currencies other than United States dollars, the relevant amounts to which the assessment rates apply shall be fixed at the local currency equivalent of the above-mentioned dollar amounts at the time the salary scales of the staff concerned are approved.";
2. With effect from 1 January 1966, annex I to the Staff Regulations shall be amended as follows:
(a) In paragraph 1, substitute "$US30,000" for "$US27,000";
(b) In paragraph 3, delete the first two sentences and the words "In addition," in the third sentence so that the paragraph shall open with the words "The Secretary-General is authorized";
(c) Under paragraph 4, substitute the following salary scales:
(In US dollars) | |
Principal Officer and Director category | |
Director | $24,050 by increments of $650 to $26,000 |
Principal Officer | $20,000 by increments of $650 to $23,900 |
Professional category | |
Senior Officer | $17,400 by increments of $500 to $21,900 |
First Officer | $13,900 by increments of $430 to $18,630 |
Second Officer | $11,270 by increments of $360 to $15,590 |
Associate Officer | $ 9,050 by increments of $310 to $12,150 |
Assistant Officer | $ 6,920 by increments of $280 to $ 9,440 |
(d) In paragraph 5, substitute the words "above step IV of the Principal Officer level" for the words "to a salary step above $US18,500";
3. The step at which staff in service on 1 January 1966 shall enter the new salary scales shall be determined in accordance with the proposals contained in paragraph 14 I (c) of the report of the Secretary-General;
4. In applying paragraph 9 of annex I of the Staff Regulations:
(a) The amounts of post adjustment for each 5 per cent variation in the cost of living above or below the new base level shall, at all the main headquarters areas and normally at all other offices, be those specified in annex I of the report of the Secretary-General;
(b) The United Nations post-adjustment index at Geneva as of 1 January 1966 shall be deemed to be 105, and a class 1 post adjustment shall be payable at Geneva from that date;
(c) The post-adjustment indices at other offices as of 1 January 1966 shall be adjusted so that they bear the same percentage relationship to the new Geneva index of 105 as they bore to the old Geneva index on 31 December 1965; post adjustments shall be payable according to the class determined by the new index figure.
1393rd plenary meeting,13 December 1965.
The General Assembly Decides that its resolution 2007 (XIX) of 10 and 18 February 1965 shall be amended as follows:(a) In section I, paragraph 1 (a), delete the words following "of the United Nations";
(b) In section I, insert a new paragraph 2 as follows (renumbering the present paragraph 2 as paragraph 3):
"2. Further decides that in the case of staff in the professional and higher categories:
"(a) During the period 1 March to 31 December 1965, the pensionable remuneration established under paragraph 1 (a) above shall be increased by 5 per cent;
"(b) With effect from 1 January 1966, for each complete 5 per cent by which the weighted average of the post-adjustment classifications of the headquarters and regional offices of the member organizations of the United Nations joint Staff Pension Fund varies from the weighted average as of 1 January 1966, the pensionable remuneration established under paragraph 1 above shall be increased or decreased, as the case may be, by a corresponding 5 per cent; for this purpose the weighted average shall be calculated as of March and September of each year and any consequent variation shall take effect from the following 1 July or 1 January respectively;"
(c) In section II, replace the present text of subparagraph 1 (a) by the following:
(a) In the case of staff in the professional and higher categories during the periods 1 January 1959 to 31 December 1961 and 1 January to 28 February 1965, pensionable remuneration shall be deemed to have been increased by an additional 5 per cent;".
1393rd plenary meeting,13 December 1965.
[1] Ibid., Twentieth Session, Annexes, agenda item 77, document A/5918. [2] Ibid., document A/5918/Add.1. [3] Ibid., document A/6056.
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