United Nations Children's Fund

2057. United Nations Children's Fund

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 57 (I) of 11 December 1946, 417 (V) of 1 December 1950,802 (VIII) of 6 October 1953, 1773 (XVII) of 7 December 1962 and 1919 (XVIII) of 5 December 1963,

1. Applauds the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1965 to the United Nations Children's Fund, which reinforces understanding of the importance for peace in the world of the welfare and rearing of children in a spirit of friendship among nations;

2. Endorses the policy of the United Nations Children's Fund in supporting the importance of viewing the needs of the child as a whole, and of making, in national programmes for economic and social development, adequate provision for children and young people and thereby preparing them for their future participation in their country's development;

3. Notes with approval the programmes of the United Nations Children's Fund, which now include assistance to Governments in the fields of maternal and child health, disease control, nutrition, social welfare, education and vocational training, and which are carried out in close co-operation with the technical agencies concerned in the United Nations family;

4. Welcomes the emphasis of the United Nations Children's Fund on assistance to young children of pre-school age, and on the improvement and extension of elementary education;

5. Notes with satisfaction the decision of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund that in seeking the most effective uses of Fund aid stress should continue to be placed on developing the basic services which benefit children, on priority programmes directed at their main problems and on the training of national personnel as an essential element of programmes, and the decision that full advantage should be taken of the relevant experience of all countries in seeking ways of meeting the problems of children and youth; [1]

6. Welcomes the decision of the United Nations Children's Fund to hold the next regular session of its Executive Board in Africa in May 1966; [2]

7. Urges Governments and private groups to intensify their efforts substantially to increase the resources of the United Nations Children's Fund.

1397th plenary meeting,
16 December 1965.

[1] See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council Thirty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 15 (E/4083/Rev.1). para. 74. [2] Ibid., para. 237.

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