Decentralization of the economic and social activities of the United Nations and strengthening of the regional economic commissions and the United Nations Office in Beirut
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
11 December 1963
1941. Decentralization of the economic and social activities of the United Nations and strengthening of the regional economic commissions and the United Nations Office in Beirut
1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General oil decentralization of the economic and social activities of the United Nations and strengthening of the regional economic commissions,[1] and his first report oil the meeting with the executive secretaries of those commissions[2] indicating the steps that have been taken and his intention of further implementing the policy of decentralization;
2. Welcomes in particular:
(a) The decision of the Secretary-General that the executive secretaries will participate actively in the programming of technical co-operation for the biennium 1965-1966;
(b) The growing number of regional advisers in the regional secretariats, which enhances the capacity and the expertise necessary for efficient advisory services to the Governments at their request;
3. Welcomes the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions to the General Assembly at its eighteenth session on the subject,[3] and the very constructive comments and recommendations contained therein pertaining both to the concept and to the process of implementing the policy of decentralization;
4. Endorses the views and recommendations of the Economic and Social Council set forth in its resolution 955 (XXXVI) of 5 July 1963, particularly paragraph 5 thereof relating to the participation of the regional secretariats in the preparation for the forthcoming United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and paragraph 3 regarding the United Nations Office in Beirut, and recommends to the Secretary-General the establishment of a technical assistance co-ordination unit in the United Nations Office in Beirut;
5. Reaffirms its conviction that all regional economic commissions, as the principal United Nations bodies in the economic and social field in the various regions, as well as the United Nations Office in Beirut, have a special and increasing role to play with regard to the Expanded Programme and the regular programme of technical assistance as well as the projects of the Special Fund, in full co-operation with the resident representatives of the Technical Assistance Board and the directors of Special Fund programmes wherever necessary;
6. Reaffirms also that its resolutions 1518 (XV) of 15 December 1960, 1709 (XVI) of 19 December 1961 and 1823 (XVII) of 18 December 1962 concerning decentralization of the economic and social activities of the United Nations and strengthening of the regional economic commissions apply to all the existing regional economic commissions, in so far as they affect Member States;
7. Endorses the view that the regional secretariats should continue, as appropriate, to increase their contribution to the United Nations technical assistance programmes, with respect not only to the formulation of projects but also to their execution and evaluation, and to undertake some financial and administrative responsibilities related thereto;
8. Looks forward to the forthcoming study by the Administrative Management Service concerning the utilization of staff in the economic and social fields;
9. Requests the Secretary-General to accelerate the continuing implementation of the policy of decentralization and strengthening of the regional economic commissions set out in General Assembly resolutions 1709 (XVI) arid 1823 (XVII) arid to submit, as part of his activities during the International Co-operation Year and within the framework of the United Nations Development Decade, a comprehensive report on this question for consideration by the Economic and Social Council at its 1965 summer session and by the General Assembly at its twentieth session;
10. Requests the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions to assess, in the light of the Secretary-General's report referred to in paragraph 9 above and the study of the Administrative Management Service, the results of decentralization in terms of its fundamental objectives as defined in General Assembly resolutions 1709 (XVI) and 1823 (XVII) and Economic and Social Council resolutions 823 (XXXII) and 955 (XXXVI), and to submit its report to the Assembly at its twentieth session.
1276th plenary meeting,11 December 1963.
[1] Ibid. Thirty-sixth Session, Annexes, agenda item 12, document E/3786. [2] Ibid., document E/3798. [3] Official Records of the General Assembly, Eighteenth Session, Annexes, agenda items 12, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39 and 76, document A/5584.
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