Territories under Portuguese administration
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
3 December 1963
1913. Territories under Portuguese administration
(a) The immediate recognition of the right of the peoples of the Territories under its administration to self-determination and independence,
(b) The immediate cessation of all acts of repression and the withdrawal of all military and other forces at present employed for that purpose,
(c) The promulgation of an unconditional political amnesty and the establishment of conditions that will allow the free functioning of political parties,
(d) Negotiations, on the basis of the recognition of the right to self-determination, with the authorized representatives of the political parties within and outside the Territories with a view to the transfer of power to political institutions freely elected and representative of the peoples, in accordance with resolution 1514 (XV),
(e) The granting of independence immediately thereafter to all the Territories under its administration in accordance with the aspirations of the peoples,
Noting with deep regret and great concern the continued refusal of the Government of Portugal to take any steps to implement the resolutions of the General Assembly and of the Security Council, Convinced that the implementation of the aforementioned resolutions will provide the only means of obtaining a peaceful solution of the question of Territories under Portuguese administration,1. Requests the Security Council to consider immediately the question of Territories under Portuguese administration and to adopt necessary measures to give effect to its own decisions, particularly those contained in the resolution of 31 July 1963;
2. Decides to maintain the question of Territories under Portuguese administration on the agenda of its eighteenth session.
1270th plenary meeting,3 December 1963.
[1] Ibid., addendum to agenda item 23, document A/5446/Rev.1, chapter II. [2] Official Records of the Security Council, Sixteenth Year, Supplement for April, May and June 1961, document S/4835 [3] Ibid. Eighteenth Year, Supplement for July, August and September 1963, document S/5380.
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