1948. Question of Oman

The General Assembly, Having discussed the question of Oman, Having heard the petitioners, Deeply concerned with the situation existing in Oman, Taking note of the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General[1] and thanking him for his efforts, Taking into consideration the fact that in the report it is recognized that in the course of his mission the Special Representative did not have the time to evaluate the territorial, historical and political issues involved in the problem, nor did he consider himself competent to do so,

1. Decides to establish an Ad Hoc Committee composed of five Member States appointed by the President of the General Assembly to examine the question of Oman;

2. Calls upon all the parties concerned to co-operate with the Ad Hoc Committee by all possible means, including that of facilitating visits to the area;

3. Requests the Ad Hoc Committee to report to the General Assembly at its nineteenth session;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to render all necessary assistance to the Ad Hoc Committee.

1277th plenary meeting,
11 December 1963.
The President of the General Assembly, in pursuance of paragraph 1 of the above resolution, appointed the members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Oman.[2] The Ad Hoc Committee will be composed of the following Member States: AFGHANISTAN, COSTA RICA, NEPAL, NIGERIA and SENEGAL.

[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Eighteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 78, document A/5562. [2] See A/5688.

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