World Food Programme
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
18 December 1962
1825. World Food Programme
1. Expresses its satisfaction that, following joint action by the Economic and Social Council and the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pursuant to resolutions 1496 (XV) and 1714 (XVI), a United Nations/FAO World Food Programme was established which will play a vital role in the efforts of member countries to meet the need for food supplies in the event of emergencies and to assist those countries in their economic and social development;
2. Notes with appreciation that thirty-nine States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies have pledged more than $88.7 million in cash, services and commodities for the experimental three-year period of the World Food Programme;
3. Invites other States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies to give further consideration to making pledges to the World Food Programme in order to attain as soon as possible the goal of $100 million envisaged in resolution 1714 (XVI) for the experimental three-year period;
4. Urges all member countries to give their support to the World Food Programme in order that it may fulfil its objectives.
1197th plenary meeting18 December 1962.
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