Draft International Covenants on Human Rights
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
19 December 1962
1843. Draft International Covenants on Human Rights
The General Assembly1. Decides to request the Economic and Social Council to refer to the Commission on Human Rights all the proposals relating to an article on the rights of the child, together with the records of the discussion thereon at the seventeenth session of the General Assembly, for a thorough study, taking into consideration all the legal implications of including such an article in the draft Covenants;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to send to the Governments of Member States and to the specialized agencies the documents mentioned in paragraph 1 above so that they may submit their comments thereon to the Commission on Human Rights;
3. Requests the Commission on Human Rights to report on its deliberations, through the Economic and Social Council, to the General Assembly at its eighteenth session.
1198th plenary meeting,19 December 1962.
The General Assembly, Having regard to the forthcoming discussion by the Third Committee of the articles on the implementation of the International Covenants on Human Rights, Considering that the question of implementation raises a number of issues which are urgently in need of clarification, Noting that the Secretary-General's annotations[1] on the texts of the draft International Covenants on Human Rights submitted by the Commission on Human Rights in 1952 need to be brought up to date, Believing that such clarification is necessary to facilitate an effective discussion of the problem of implementation, Mindful of the fact that since 1952 the membership of the United Nations has more than doubled and that not all Governments of Member States have had an opportunity to participate in the drafting of the articles on implementation, Convinced of the desirability that 0 Member States have before them a systematic account of all proposals and suggestions concerning measures of implementation and a review of the important issues involved,1. Requests the Secretary-General, with a view to clarifying the main issues involved in the implementation of the International Covenants on Human Rights, to prepare an explanatory paper bringing his annotations up to date in the light of the developments that have taken place since the publication of that document in 1955;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to forward the explanatory paper by I May 1963 to the Governments of Member States in order that they may send to him any observations thereon by 30 July 1963;
3. Invites the Governments of all Member States to send to the Secretary-General the observations referred to in paragraph 2 above, within the time-limit prescribed therein;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to submit the explanatory paper to the General Assembly at its eighteenth session, together with such observations of Governments thereon as he may receive.
1198th plenary meeting,19 December 1962.
The General Assembly, Noting that the Third Committee has adopted articles 2 to 5 of the draft Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and articles 3 and 5 of the draft Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Considering however that the Committee has been unable to complete its consideration of the general provisions, the measures of implementation and the final clauses relating to the two draft Covenants, Decides to give priority, at its eighteenth session, to the consideration of the draft International Covenants on Human Rights. 1198th plenary meeting,19 December 1962.
[1] Ibid., Tenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 28 (part II), document A/2929.
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