Permanent sovereignty over natural resources

1720. Permanent sovereignty over natural resources

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 1314 (XIII) of 12 December 1958, Desiring to promote the strengthening of permanent sovereignty of peoples and nations over their natural wealth and resources,

1. Expresses its thanks for the revised study on the status of permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources, prepared by the United Nations Secretariat;[1]

2. Requests that arrangements be made speedily for the printing of that study, together with the report of the Commission on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources,[2] so that these documents may be available to all who wish to consult them for the useful information they contain;

3. Decides that the United Nations work on permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources shall be continued and recommends that priority be given for the discussion of this matter in the Second Committee at its next session.

1084th plenary meeting,
19 December 1961.

[1] A/AC.97/5/Rev.1 and Corr.1 and 2 and Add.1. [2] Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Thirty-second Session, Annexes, agenda item 9, document E/3511.

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