Question of the Mwami of Rwanda
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
23 February 1961
1744. Question of the Mwami of Rwanda
1. Requests the Commission for Ruanda-Urundi established under General Assembly resolution 1743 (XVI) of 23 February 1962, as a matter of urgency, to engage in talks with the Administering Authority, the Government of Rwanda, and the Mwami and his representatives with a view to reaching agreement, on a mutually acceptable basis, for the peaceful settlement of the question of the future of the Mwami;
2. Requests the Commission to include, as part of its report to the General Assembly at its resumed sixteenth session, the results of the talks envisaged in paragraph 1 above, an assessment of the possibilities, and recommendations, for the peaceful settlement of the question of the future of the Mwami of Rwanda;
3. Considers that the implementation of the present resolution will further ensure for Rwanda the speedy return of an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity;
4. Requests the Administering Authority, and appeals to the Mwami and the Government and people of Rwanda, to co-operate fully with the Commission in the performance of the task entrusted to it.
1106th plenary meeting,23 February 1962.
[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixteenth Session, Annexes, addendum to agenda item 49 (A/4994 and Add.1 and Corr.1). [2] Ibid., agenda item 49, document A/C.4/532.
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