Cost estimates for the maintenance of the United Nations Emergency Force

1575. Cost estimates for the maintenance of the United Nations Emergency Force[1]

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 1089 (XI) of 21 December 1956, 1151 (XII) of 22 November 1957, 1337 (XIII) of 13 December 1958 and 1441 (XIV) of 5 December 1959, Having considered the observations made by Member States on the financing of the United Nations Emergency Force, Having examined the budget estimates for the Force submitted by the Secretary-General for the year 1961[2] and the observations and recommendations thereon of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[3] Having noted with satisfaction that special financial assistance has been pledged voluntarily towards the expenditures for the Force in 1961, Considering that it is desirable to apply voluntary contributions of special financial assistance in such a manner as to reduce the financial burden on those Governments which have the least capacity to contribute towards the expenditures for maintaining the Force,

1. Authorizes the Secretary-General to expend up to a maximum of $19 million for the continuing operation of the United Nations Emergency Force during 1961;

2. Decides to assess the amount of $19 million against all States Members of the United Nations on the basis of the regular scale of assessments, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 below;

3. Decides further that the voluntary contributions pledged prior to 31 December 1960, including those already announced and referred to in the fourth preambular paragraph above, shall be applied, at the request of the Member State concerned made prior to 31 March 1961, to reduce by up to 50 per cent:

(a) The assessment that the Member States which were admitted during the fifteenth session of the General Assembly are required to pay for the financial year 1961 in accordance with Assembly resolution 1552 (XV) of 18 December 1960;

(b) The assessment of all other Member States receiving assistance during 1960 under the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance, commencing with those States assessed at the minimum of 0.04 per cent and then including, in order, those States assessed at the next highest percentages until the total amount of the voluntary contributions has been fully applied;

4. Decides that, if Member States do not avail themselves of credits provided for in paragraph 3 above, the amounts involved shall be credited to section 9 of the 1961 budget for the Force;

5. Approves the recommendations set forth in paragraphs 67 to 70 of the Secretary-General's report on the United Nations Emergency Forces" concerning reimbursement of Governments in respect of supplies, material and equipment furnished to their contingents.

960th plenary meeting,
20 December 1960.

[1] See "Allocation of agenda items", footnote 5. [2] Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 27, document A/4396. [3] Ibid., document A/4409.

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