Report on economic conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
15 December 1960
1537. Report on economic conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories
1. Takes note of the report on economic conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories prepared in 1960 by the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories and considers that this report should be studied in connexion with the other reports mentioned above;
2. Invites the Secretary-General to communicate this report to Member States responsible for the administration of Non-Self-Governing Territories, to the Economic and Social Council, to the regional economic commissions, to the Trusteeship Council and to the specialized agencies concerned, for their consideration;
3. Expresses its confidence that the Members responsible for the administration of Non-Self-Governing Territories will bring the report to the attention of the authorities responsible for economic development in those Territories.
948th plenary meeting,15 December 1960.
[1] Ibid., Sixth Session, Supplement No. 14 (A/1836), part three. [2] Ibid., Ninth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/2729), part two. [3] Ibid., Twelfth Session, Supplement No. 15 (A/3647 and Corr.1), part two. [4] Ibid., Fifteenth Session, Supplement No. 15 (A/4371), part three.
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